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03 Disentrainment / Randomization Sessions

The goal of disentrainment is to use randomized lights and sounds, which may break up stuck patterns in the mind and encourage new neuronal growth.
Stuck patterns may lead to bad habits and addictions. Randomization may help the mind  refocus and pay attention. A focused mind may function
better. Randomization may be effective for many different neurological conditions such at attention and mood. Use any glasses for sessions.

An * next to the session name indicates that light colors or strobing effects can be changed. Press the bottom of the wheel once a session starts. Do NOT use blue or green lights, it can disrupt melatonin production.

The Nexus unit sessions are designed to help guide the mind into desired frequencies, which may improve mental states while using it. No long term or permanent benefits have been researched or implied. If you experience any discomfort while running a session, we recommend you discontinue use and consult your doctor.