Welcome to the Nexus End User Support Site
This site offers detailed descriptions of each session, as well as a “How To” guide and resources designed to help you get the most out of your Nexus entrainment device.
Congratulations on your Nexus purchase!
This site is designed to help you get the most out of your Nexus home entrainment device. Our goal is to provide you with enough information to make informed decisions about each session, so you can get the best results in the moment when you need it.
This site contains all the information you should need to operate your Nexus and maximize its use for you and your whole family.
The Nexus unit sessions are designed to help guide the mind into desired frequencies, which may improve mental states while using it. No long term or permanent benefits have been researched or implied. If you experience any discomfort while running a session, we recommend you discontinue use and consult your doctor.

Getting Started
Not sure how to start using the Nexus device? Start here to learn how to use your unit, what glasses to use for each session and how to charge your device

Helpful Sessions Guide
Want to search by a particular condition or need? This page will offer some suggestions for getting the most out of your Nexus device.

View Sessions By Folder
Each Nexus unit comes with 10 folders organized by potential benefits. You can view detailed descriptions of each session by folder.

Choosing The Best Sessions
This page offers a helpful guide for finding the right sessions for your needs

4 Important Things About Entrainment
Here are some important things to know about entrainment and how it works

Understanding Brainwaves
We take a look at each brainwave to see what role it plays and how it affects you

Which Glasses Should You Use?
Your system includes 2 pairs of glasses. Here is more information about each pair.